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News — missy style

Easy Style Boards to Modernize Your Wardrobe

Easy Style Boards to Modernize Your Wardrobe
No matter your shape, or age, we have answers to get you in the creative mood to reinvent dressing your body. Below each board are links if you like what you see where you can purchase items to fill in your closet.

Our favorite feminine color palette for every skin tone

Our favorite feminine color palette for every skin tone

Winter Style just got a little brighter with the addition of berry pink.  Great on every skin tone, it takes your basic neutral and shouts "Good Morning!" Shop this look  

American Idol Finale, Heidi Durbin and Spring Fashion! Santa Cruz represented!

American Idol Finale, Heidi Durbin and Spring Fashion! Santa Cruz represented!

Almost daily at the store, we will have a “first timer” come in and say,   “I have to keep this place in mind the next time I have someplace to go!”, To which we respond,   “Everything in here is meant to be worn every day, and for special occasions.  We want you to wear everything in your closet.” This is a core value at JAD, and one that received lots of publicity this week when we dressed Heidi Durbin, the gorgeous wife of James Durbin, for the American Idol Finale.  People were surprised that we started with something...

Rain and Shine, Spring is Here!

Rain and Shine, Spring is Here!

Transitioning from Winter to Spring can be a challenge especially if you live in an area where the temperature can vary over 20 degrees as the seasons change.  Spring is such a fun fashion season because all of the new color options, and fresh styles to start to incorporate with staple favorites. One new piece we are in LOVE with is the Convertible Maxi Dress.  A couple of folding adjustments, and it can be a strapless maxi dress, rouched maxi skirt, short full skirted sun dress, and midi flared skirt.  Here are three different ways to take this dress into Spring....