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I Never Thought About What Senior Citizens Did Until This Happened

Jill Alexander

The lack of help for seniors

Last Labor Day Weekend, I had my eyes opened in a way they’ve never been opened before.  My Mother-in-Law’s health had declined in such a way, she now needed assistance.  She was from a small town in Wyoming, and we had her move in with us.  I wanted to make the transition as seamless as possible for her, so I started to investigate ways that she could meet new people, and do the things she enjoyed doing when she lived on her own. 

I stumbled upon the Scotts Valley Senior Center, and decided to go in and check it out.  I always knew it was there, but, I had no idea everything they had to offer.  I wandered in one day on my lunch break and was greeted by, Darshana Croskey.  Darshana and I had been on several different committees together over the years and our paths had crossed several times.  It was nice to see a familiar face when I was in such unchartered territory.  We went into her office, and she began to explain to me all the different activities and socials that were offered at the Senior Center.  I was completely blown away!

She showed me a 12-page newsletter that goes out every month detailing all the monthly opportunities for members, from luncheons, to art classes, to rides for shopping trips.   I couldn’t help but think of all the work, (let alone postage), that went into a newsletter of that caliber and thought, “Why doesn’t she just put that online?”

I learned quickly after just a short time with my Mother-in-Law that she LOVED having that booklet to refer to and read over throughout the month.  It gave her some hope in her day, and started to connect her to a new community even though she’d never met anyone mentioned in the letter.

I never realized before how restrictive getting older becomes.  There can become so many obstacles to the things that bring you simple joy.  I learned how important the activities the Senior Center provides are to the aging process and creating some independence for those who are slowly losing some of life’s freedoms that we take for granted.

When Darshana told me about their annual Fashion Show Fundraiser, I wanted to be involved.  I want to do whatever I can to let more people know about this very significant place, because, here’s the reality, we’re all going to be there.    

The Passion for Fashion, Fashion Show is this Saturday, April 29, 2017, from 12:00-2:30.  For just $20 you get a three course lunch, an upbeat colorful show featuring beautiful women from our community, and an opportunity to win some terrific raffle prizes!  You can buy tickets at our Scotts Valley Store, 221 Mt. Hermon Rd. Suite E, (Zinnia’s Shopping Center), or through the Senior Center, (831) 438-8666.  I hope you’ll join me in supporting this very worthy organization.  You will be blown away with all that they provide for our elderly on such a small budget.

P.S.  I dedicate our participation to you Dixie.  To opening my eyes on aging and all that it entails.

Scotts Valley Senior Center Passion for Fashion, Fashion Show Jill Alexander

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1 comment

  • Dear Jill,
    I am sitting hear with an enormous lump in my throat and my tears blurring the words on this note as I type. I approached you on such extremely short notice to see if you would like to participate in this year’s show and did not really expect you to agree. I was so thrilled and excited when you said yes without even batting an eyelid. NOW…I know why!!!
    Thank You for sharing your powerful experience with everyone and your amazing tribute to, and for, both myself and all of my WONDERFUL volunteers who help me make our Scotts Valley Senior Center a home away from home for all of our aging population who need us. I want to say so much more but my heart and eyes are too full right now.
    Thank You for your incredible support with this year’s Passion for Fashion Show. I and my volunteers are looking forward to welcoming everyone to this FUN event this Saturday! I, of course, urge anyone reading this to…BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW :)

    Darshana Croskrey

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