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A Life Saving Education

Jill Alexander


Fashion designer Jill Alexander with her husband in hospital

I had dubbed 2017 “the year of learning”, and I believe 2018 will be my “year of change”.  I’m taking those tough lessons from the previous year and turning them into positive change.  One of the biggest challenges from last year was with regard to healthcare.

My husband, who had just turned 53, decided to go in for a routine check up.  When they drew his blood, they discovered his cholesterol was elevated.   His doctor prescribed a routine statin drug for him to begin taking.  Like most people, my husband questioned nothing and began the new regimen.  Fast forward 90 days, after several visits to the doctor to check various symptoms, my husband ended up in the hospital for a week with a condition called, rhabdomyolysis, a rare side effect of this drug.  This disease broke down many systems in his body that needed to be built back up.

Now before you come back at me and defend doctors and drug companies, let me be clear that this is not a blame fest.  Doctors save lives everyday with the drugs they prescribe and the world would be very different without them.  I am in no way telling you to ignore the advice of your doctor, this is more to share the options I’ve discovered going down a very difficult path almost losing my husband. 

If you know anything about me, you know I’m a questions girl.  I ask LOTS of questions, especially when I don’t understand something.  It was through this process that I learned so much about the human body and what happens to it when we begin to alter things chemically.  I sought out naturopaths, homeopaths, and read everything I could find on natural remedies to begin to help my husband rebuild his systems and stop the chronic pain he had acquired.  I discovered that there are many options out there to routine prescriptions that are worth trying.  One of those sources was a woman named, Heynia Loro-Cooley, owner of Culinary ONE Nutrition.  She aspires to the motto, “Let food be your first medicine, and the kitchen be the first pharmacy.”  She specializes in using real food solutions to balance the body.  I love her so much, I invited her to do a mini workshop.  She will have food samples, recipe cards, and special bubbly beverages.  She’ll be there to answer any questions and address issues like adrenal fatigue, inflammation, and bloating.  This event will be held at out Los Gatos location on Sunday, February 11, at 1:00pm.  My hope is that if you or someone you love is struggling, you come down and just see what options are available.  I didn’t know before I walked through this, and I wish I did. 

This is a free event, but, let us know if you’re coming so we can plan for enough treats!

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  • RSvping for two, it there’s stillspace


  • Thank you Jill for very valuable information.
    You are preaching to the choir.
    I’m 74 and do not take any scripts!
    I even hate taking aspirin.
    I wish I could be at that seminar. Unfortunately I’ll be out of town that week end!
    I hope your husband is over the trama and has regained his health!

    Janice Rustici Romeo

  • RSVP-ing for two as well. Looking forward to it!

    Ellen Pifer

  • Thx for the invite! Rsvp-ing for two!

    Amie Sue Caplain

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