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Sleeves, or bare?

Jill Alexander

Woman wearing sleeveless top

Yesterday, there was a lot of talk with this warmer weather about going sleeveless. Many women are more worried about what others would think of their arms, than being comfortable in warmer temperatures. Here’s the thing, gravity pulls on all of us, and at some point, everyone has a little UADD, (underarm dingle dangle). Trust me when I say no one else’s life is over because you don’t have fabric covering your arms. When we stand in front of a mirror, we stand completely still.  Often we gawk at all of these little imperfections we see in our bodies. The thing is, we are beings in motion.  We never stop moving so others are not seeing all these little things we worry about in the mirror.  What I find, is most people look at the overall whole person. When they see you coming down the street, they notice the whole package. Show them your big bright smile and some self confidence, and they won’t even remember what you wore. #selfconfidence #gosleeveless#bodypositivity #agelessstyle #fashionover40 #thisis50

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1 comment

  • Love this advice, Jill! Will try a big smile!
    Rita G

    rita gladding

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